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John Fielder
Photo Contest

ESWA solicits entries each fall for its annual contest for photos that best evoke the splendor of the Wilderness Areas that ESWA helps protect – Eagles Nest, Holy Cross, Flat Tops, and Ptarmigan. In remembrance of John Fielder's many contributions to preserving Wilderness, the annual photo contest has been named in his honor.​ The winner will be announced at the 2024 Annual Meeting/Party on September 28th. Don't forget to RSVP here!


Any ESWA member may submit a photo. For 2024, photos should be submitted by September 15th, 2024 using the form below


  • Any member of ESWA may submit photos. If you would like to join our organization, you can become a member here.

  • Each individual may submit no more than three photos, preferably in .jpeg format.

  • Photos must be taken in one of our four Wilderness areas and the submission must include the location where it was taken.

  • Photos may not include people or dogs or man-made structures of any kind. 

  • Traditional editing is permissible (brightness, contrast, color, crop, sharpening)

  • Winners will be determined based on the judges' opinion of how well the photos represent the wilderness characteristics of the areas in which ESWA works.

  • By submitting your photos, you allow ESWA to use them in any way that it deems appropriate. This includes on the website, on photo cards (photo cropping if needed), on social media, etc. Where possible, ESWA will credit the photographer.

  • Members of the selection committee are ineligible to submit photos.

Submit your photo

If your photo meets all of the requirements stated for the John Fielder award above, please submit using this form. 

Note that the file can be no more than 15MB.

Upload File

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John Fielder Award 2023 Winners

1st Place: Ellen Miller

Runner Up:  Stan  Wagon

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