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Meadow Creek Bridge Completed!

Over the past month the USFS replaced a bridge to replace the collapsed bridge 1.5

miles up Meadow Creek. Work started with the USFS Pack String carrying 650 pounds

of materials to the site. Over the last three weeks, a USFS team and a Rocky Mountain

Youth Corp team labored to build the bridge. They worked much faster than expected,

so had time to craft a new plank bridge through the bog just inside wilderness, using

felled trees. The work was funded by ESWA and a generous grant from the Colorado

Department of Parks and Wildlife awarded to ESWA as part of the Wilderness

Gateways project.

Even as the bridge was finished ESWA and USFS scouted the lower sections of

Meadow Creek for next year’s work, which will include building approximately 23 check

steps and 12 water diversions to move water off the trail (it’s like a river in the spring).

The tread will also be improved to restore the trail.

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