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Only a Month Left in the VWR Season

As of August 8, our VWR numbers were:

  • 84 different VWRs had done 212 unique patrols, hiking 1327 miles over 1184 hours, and encountering 7,856 trail users and 664 dogs (73% of whom were on leash – the dogs that is)

  • Four VWRs had already done over 10 patrols each, led by Frances Hartogh with 22 followed by Mike Browning, Tom Lawson, and Brad Benz

  • 22 different VWRs had done 29 unique trailhead host outings, over 99 hours, and talked with 1117 trail users

  • Joan Betz led the trail hosts with six trailhead host outings over 18 hours

There already are hints of gold and red in the aspen trees, indicating mere weeks are left in the VWR Patrol season. So, get out there and complete your minimum four patrols/trailhead host sessions before the snow flies (and the hunters come out)!

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